Press Release: Igbo Ekunie Maintains Call For Southeast Governors To Create A Regional Platform For Rapid Development
We the Igbo Ekunie Initiative, IEI,
comprising individuals in Nigeria and the Diaspora; wish to state, that
considering Nigeria’s chequered history and the long betrayed ideal for
development; driven primarily by the
nation’s contradictions, the consequent suspicion/infighting and the
destructive policies of marginalisation
in place of policies of national development pursued by successive leaders, it
has become evident, beyond all doubt
that aspirations for regional development can only be actualised through
a self-driven effort under the auspices
of an integrated regional development platform. For 56 years Nigeria has
continued to fail. As a distinct people, we have the choice to take the bull by
the horn and create a separate, ingenious and audacious part for development or
fail along with Nigeria. The later is not an option.
We note that the world over,
provinces, states, regions, and nations are coming together to create economic
blocs and integrated development agencies that benefitting from the economies
of scale can better aggregate resources for capital-intensive infrastructure
and projects across their geographical spheres. In the same vein, it’s notable
that the last time quantum development was heralded in the East was during the
1st republic when the defunct Eastern Nigeria Development Corporation (ENDC)
built many landmark development projects across the then Eastern region. Indeed
had the 1st republic not been truncated, the model of integrated development
pursued by the ENDC and facilitated by the economies of scale would have
delivered an industrialized region with
1st world infrastructure by the turn of the century.
We re-submit that what presently
constitutes the Southeast region has more population than Singapore, United
Arab Emirates, Qatar, Taiwan, Belgium, Sweden, Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark,
Ireland, Switzerland, Greece amongst others as well as most African countries.
It is thus a nation in its own right and accordingly has the capacity to
function in like manner and mobilize its
population; human and material both at home and in the Diaspora for
unprecedented regional development through a public/private/Diaspora
partnership under the auspices of a regional investment/development
corporation. We hereby call on the governors of the Southeast region to float a
regional investment corporation to be capitalized through contributions from
each state in the first instance, a consortium of banks and from selling shares, bonds, donations (crowd funding) and
Diaspora development funds.
The regional investment
corporation like the defunct ENDC will then invest in major capacity building
generative infrastructure across the region such as super-highways with
tollgates, real estate with particular emphasis on high density
buildings/skyscrapers (for population management) in commercial ultra modern
housing estates that will be built to
sell, the establishment of strategic industries such as steel plants,
refineries, cement plants and the creation of special industrial parks/free
trade zones across states in the region so as to lead in innovative start-ups
and industrialisation. In the area of tourism, the corporation will seek
partnership with international consortiums in view of establishing major game
parks such as Disneyland Park and complimentary 5
star hotels across the region.
All projects will be
“generative” infrastructure that would bring returns as soon as possible so
that dividends from revenue earned at the end of every year either from toll
gates, sale of houses, operation or sale of steel plants, refineries, hotels
and other such infrastructure can be paid to all share and bond owners at the
end of every fiscal year. In order to encourage maximum participation by a broad
spectrum of South-easterners and other interested parties at home and in the
Diaspora, a public enlightenment program should precede the floating of the
regional investment corporation possibly to be known as “Oriental Investment
Corporation” or “East Niger Investment Corporation” (ENIC). With a 5-10 year
development plan, under a framework of accelerated development with the active participation of the public and private
sectors, the Southeast region can become an “Oases” of development and industrialisation potentially becoming the most
industrialised and developed region on
the African continent within a 10-20 year period.
e 21st century has not only
brought mind boggling technologies with many possibilities, theatres of development are spreading and
shifting across the globe. With development increasingly moving East from West
and China taking the centre stage in development, we have a rare opportunity to
take advantage of this new dynamics and place our region within the frontlines of the emerging economic order, so
as to build a civilisation: economic,
industrial, political and social that will stand the test of time. We hereby
urge governors of the Southeast to think outside the box and take ownership of
our collective destiny by creating a regional development corporation that will
usher in a renascent East. Because dreams are staircases to reality, if we
dream it we can do it!
Maazi Tochukwu Ezeoke
President Igbo Ekunie Initiative
Phone: +44 7748612933
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