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I was coming back from school on Friday when I saw a Keke Napep driver looking so exhausted having searched for a 100 naira note to settle a waiting customer to no avail. On enquiry, they told me that, they have suffered this scarcity of 100 naira notes for a long time, it has become a scarced commodity. According to them, they described it as a mystery they are yet to unravel. On hearing that, I laughed and echoed the name "Nigeria! "

Don't tell me that it is as a result of CBN cashless policy, balderdash. I won't buy that misnomer. Nigeria is trying hard to bury the truth, and I say, let them keep trying.

What is on this 100 naira note that the occupational government of Nigeria is trying hard to bury? It is the truth about the expired, invalid and unworkable entity called Nigeria. It says that Nigeria has expired. The centenary on that note indicates that Nigeria was created to last for just 100 years (1914-2014), do the calculation and tell me what you arrived at.

Goodluck Jonathan took his time to pen down the message and equally sent the message to the entire world through the 100 naira note that carries the image of the man that coined the name "Naira "(Awolowo)

If they can phase that 100 naira note out just to keep you out from what matters in Nigeria, how else can you convince me that "Atiku/Obi" is not another game to make you forget Biafra and embrace Nigeria since their hitman Muhammadu Buhari has failed woefully?

There is nothing one about Nigeria, it doesn’t matter how you try to twist it.

The only thing we can call our own is Biafra. Biafra is our identity. Stop being bamboozled by these paid agents promoting the continuity of the reign of terror. What power does a vice president has when the president is very much around? Think home my people! Think Biafra!

If the whole world is afraid of letting us go, it only means that we are the only people that can match their intellects. Stop looking for a soft-landing and go for something that will not jeopardise the lives of our children in future. As long as you are in Nigeria, you will always be killed to keep Nigeria one. They are wiser than you, hence they can never give you (Biafrans) any sensitive position. Have you thought about why it is only a powerless position like vice president is what they agreed to give you after killing your sons, daughters and mothers to keep Nigeria one?

There is no other time than now to restore Biafra. Drop the Atiku/Obi nonsense and let's restore Biafra now.

Written by:
Arum Liberty Donatus
(TBRV Writer)
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Edited by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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TBRV | Biafra

Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike

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