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You are either a historian or a politician. You cannot be both. And generally speaking Nigerian politicians hate historians more than anyone else because they remind them of a past that they would rather bury and forget.

Today I am speaking and writing not as a politician but as a historian, a servant of truth, the voice of the voiceless and the champion of the oppressed.

And it is in this light and spirit that I can boldly say that if the truth were to be told about what almost all of our Army Commanders and field officers, including four living former Heads of State, two dead ones and one serving one, did to the Biafran civilian population during the Nigerian civil war they would all have been brought to justice and convicted of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide by the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

It is for this reason that as long as those men and all the other Nigerian commanders that led their troops into battle in that war live they will NEVER allow the people to know the truth about what really happened.

Yet it is not even the Nigerian perpetrators that I blame the most for this conspiracy of silence but rather the Biafran leaders and historians who, out of some misplaced fear and in the name of keeping the peace and keeping Nigeria one, have refused to let their people know what really happened even though they were at the receiving end of the greatest act of black on black genocide in the history of the African continent and a form of barbarity and savagery that, even by African standards, is rarely seen.

What both they and the perpetrators of these hideous war crimes fail to appreciate is the fact that the past will always haunt our present and our future until we come to terms with it, own it, take responsibility for it, confront it with truth, ensure that justice is served to the villains and undertake to pay the victims some form of reparations and compensation both in cash and in kind.

This must be backed up and fortified with a strong declaration, commitment and resolve that such a thing must never be allowed to happen again. 

The truth is that the Nigerian civil war was not a war in the true sense of the word but rather the well-orchestrated mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing of an entire ethnic nationality and civilian population.

To put it clearly and in context this was an insidious attempt to utterly annihilate and wipe out the Igbo and erase them from our history.

And the entire civilised world, apart from France, the Ivory Coast, Gabon, Portugal, apartheid South Africa and a handful of others, were complicit in it.

This matter will never be brought to closure unless and until the truth is exposed and we as a people express our remorse and regrets about what we did to the Biafran civilian population.

I may have lost many friends for sharing this bitter truth but the Holy Spirit, my duty to posterity, my obligation to history, my conscience as a Nigerian and my compassion and humanity as a civilised human being constrains and compels me to do so.

Reported by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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