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It is proven, confirmed, established, ascertained, and evidenced that when God, Chiukwu Okike puru ime ihe n'ile wants to deliver or bless a man, He sends another man to him.

Likewise, when God wants to save, liberate, or emancipate any people, or nation, He sends a man, as an instrument of execution of his divine purpose to them.

When God wants to save, deliver, or free a generation, and even generations yet unborn, He still sends a man to that generation.

In the case of Africa, and Biafra (as a subset, in particular), which has been subjected to extreme conditions of dehumanization, exploitation, emasculation, enslavement, and systematic strangulation, God considered and decided that the time to extricate, unshackle, save, and deliver the people, including the generations yet unborn, had come, he sent his son, his messenger, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, for the execution of the divine assignment of effecting his desire for his people of Biafra.

It is therefore a statement of fact that words cannot describe nor adequately qualify the distinctiveness of this messenger of God, whom he has sent to deliver Biafra, and by extension, the whole of Africa. Notwithstanding the fact that words cannot describe the phenomenon of our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the world's best, the living legend, the great revolutionist, the first among equals, great icon, a humble leader, the greatest philosopher, the greatest orator, the most brilliant/intelligent, and the priceless supreme leader of the great IPOB. Even all these yet constitute an understatement of the personality of the servant of the Most High God sent among men, in this millennium.

It is worthy of note that, our envious, jealous, hateful and conspiratorial neighbours and detractors with their media had, in the past, taunted and mocked Biafrans in general, and the Igbo sub group in particular, with such derogatory phrases as;

"Igbo enweghi Eze".

But this used to be in the past.
Igbo enweghi Eze is not for us in IPOB.
It is not for the Igbo of this generation.
We Igbo of this generation have Eze. Anyi nwere Eze ugbua.
We have got Eze, a good, great and humble leader in our Onyendu, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Anyone who is of a contrary opinion must be either demented, hypnotized, malicious, or under the influence of Nigerianism, which is caused by many years of concocted lies to them by the government and Nigerian Oluwole media.

If you are someone who loves and appreciates the gift and blessings from God, and who recognizes a gift and blessing from God whenever you see one, you will be able to realize and appreciate that God sent us a deliverer, a liberator at this point in time, and should be happy and thankful to God every day, instead of fighting against him and being angry, jealous, envious, while attempting in vain, or trying in futility to sabotage his divine assignment, which is executed/effected through our efforts.

Anyone, especially any Igbo person who is not happy that we are celebrating our dear leader, the authentic messenger of heaven, for whom heaven testifies by causing his rainbow to appear on each occasion of important convention, the amiable and undisputed/indisputable leader of the millennium, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and didn't join publicly or in secret in the celebration of him, in simple terms, is desperately wicked and certainly such a person is among the practitioners of evil witchcraft

Our supreme leader remains the Joshua of our time, the light of the African continent, the voice of the voiceless, and the terror of all the strongholds of exploitative tyrannical Nigerian government which is the root and branch of the mindless genocidal inhuman acts, unleashed upon hapless and vulnerable people, for the economic sustenance of predatory nations around the world.

We must therefore continue to celebrate our leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, to the glory of God Almighty, Chiukwu Okike onye puru ime ihe n'ile.

Celebration continues!

Written by:
Her Excellency Oluchi Christy
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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