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THE CROSS AND THE STAR PART 3 (How, who, where, when and why we are hated?)



September 19 2020  |  The Biafra Restoration Voice

As we come to the last part of this  my white paper on "The cross and The Star"  I suggest you visit my Timeline or TBRV (The Biafra Restoration Voice to read   Part 1 and 2 of this article   if you have not done so,  this while help you to understand the whole piece, and help you to embrace your cultural  heritage as handed over to you by divine providence.

The reason I have to dwell so much on this issue even with the understanding that our generation is one in a hurry, is because, the reason why we are hated, those who hate us, where and when they hate us, how they hate us, why they cannot stop hating us and the only solution to their hatred are well spelt out in this article.

The hatred of the Jews is the one that predates historical records, the same applies to the Jews of Africa; the Biafrans.

Antisemitism or hatred for the Jews may be manifested in many ways, ranging from expressions of hatred of or discrimination against individual Jews to organized pogroms by mobs, state police, or even military attacks on entire Jewish communities. Although the term did not come into common usage until the 19th century, it is also applied to previous and later anti-Jewish incidents.

Finding examples of hostility towards Jews in classical sources is not difficult. The politician and lawyer Cicero, 106-43BC, once reminded a jury of “the odium of Jewish gold” and how they “[stick together]” and are “influential in informal assemblies”. The Roman historian Tacitus, c.56-120AD, was contemptuous of “base and abominable” Jewish customs and was deeply disturbed by those of his compatriots who had renounced their ancestral gods and converted to Judaism. The Roman poet and satirist Juvenal, c.55-130AD, shared his disgust at the behaviour of converts to Judaism besides denouncing Jews generally as drunken and rowdy.

Some scholars would look to the pre-Christian world and see in the attitudes of ancient Greeks and Romans the origins of an enduring hostility. Religious Studies scholar Peter Schäfer believes the exclusive nature of the monotheistic Jewish faith, the apparent haughty sense of being a chosen people, a refusal to intermarry, a Sabbath observance and the practise of circumcision were all things that marked Jews out in antiquity for a particular odium.
Notable instances of persecution include the Rhineland massacres preceding the First Crusade in 1096, the Edict of Expulsion from England in 1290, the 1348–1351 persecution of Jews during the Black Death, the massacres of Spanish Jews in 1391, the persecutions of the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Cossack massacres in Ukraine from 1648 to 1657, various anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire between 1821 and 1906, the 1894–1906 Dreyfus affair in France, the Holocaust in German-occupied Europe during World War II, Soviet anti-Jewish policies, and Arab and Muslim involvement in the Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries. (References from Encyclopaedia Britannica)

From our source, the Jews are hated for their religion, culture and for their recognition of being the chosen people and even refusal to inter marry with the gentiles. We as Biafran Jews are also being hated for being industrious, intelligent, successful and prosperous.

As a way to exhibit their hatred, they abduct and rape our girls and women which was part of their tactics during the uncivil war of 1967-1970, a way to destroy our originality. Secondly, they intend to destroy our religion by conquest and forceful Fulanisation and Islamisation. They do this by first all destroying our means of livelihood and subject our leaders to beggarly elements who must go to the North to beg for political power, where they will sign pact with the enemy to destroy our future for a mere political portfolio.

Before you open your mouth to shout your one Nigeria, let me give you a dossier of the killings of our people in Nigeria which the world pretends not to know and have decided to remain mute.

From June 22, 1945 to September 28, 2013, the Hausa/Fulani of the North and the Yoruba of the West of Nigeria have consistently violated the basic God-given human rights of Biafrans to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.  Below is the chronology of how the Nigerian government and the Hausa/Fulani/Yoruba oligarchy have perpetually perpetrated genocide, pogrom and crimes against humanity on the Indigenous People of Biafra.

22nd June 1945 in Jos, hundreds of Biafrans were massacred and property worth tens of thousands of British pound sterling belonging to the Biafrans were looted, no arrest was made, no board of enquiry was constituted by the British Govt.

1953 Kano riots, because of the fall out of the request for Nigeria Independence made by Anthony Enahoro and some Southern Politicians, Thousands of Biafrans were massacred and their property worth Millions of pounds were looted, no single arrest no prosecution.

1966 May to October, over 30,000 Biafrans were massacred as a fall out of the Military Coup which the BBC seditiously tagged Igbo coup against the Northerners, not minding that the coup was stopped by an Igbo and even the coup plotters arrested an executed by Aguiyi Ironsi an Igbo man.

1967 -1970 Over 6Million Biafrans were massacred in a war of genocide by Nigeria, Britain, Russia and the foreign allies of Britain.

1993 -1998 Hundred of Biafrans were massacred during Abiola riots in various part of Nigeria not minding that many Biafrans voted for Abiola, many were massacred in Lagos.

2001 -2002 Over 1000 Biafrans were massacred when Sharia was introduced in Kaduna state, many Christian Biafrans were beheaded including a Biafran Pastor George Orji.

2005 June: The APO-SIX killings occurred which the Nigeria Police Force extra-judicially killed six young Igbos (Ekene Isaac Mgbe, Ifeanyi Ozor, Chinedu Meniru, Paulinus Ogbonna, Anthony and Augustina Arebu) in Apo-Abuja. Who were innocently returning from a night club. Till this day none of the police officers are in jail. And justice is yet to done.

2006 18th February. Thousands of Biafrans were massacred in Maiduguri during an Islamic riot over a publication and caricature of Prophet Mohammed by a Danish newspaper. No single arrest and prosecution till date.

Hello Biafrans, the list is endless, what about those who were murdered after Good Luck Ebele Johnathan was declared winner of the Presidential election, by the Northerners who were the supporters of Muhammadu Buhari. What about those bombed inside St. Theresa Catholic Church Madalla. The list indeed is endless.

The world hate the Jews whether the Jews of Europe or the Jews of Africa, they are hated and like I wrote in the Part 2 of this article; the hatred must continue till the end of time. The only difference between us and Jews of Europe is the restoration of the Ancient land of Israel back to the map of the world. The world do not love Israel, but the world respect them because they are among the strongest nations in the world.

We are not waiting for other people to love us, but to have our Nation back as we were before the European came to our land.  

The essence of having our Nation back is to be able to defend and preserve our race an endangered species among the homo sapiens.  That is why we can give anything for Biafra to be restored, that is the only reason we are   born.

In conclusion, the Star of David (Māḡēn Dāwīḏ) discovered in our land 500 feet below the ground is a pointer to who we are for those who may wish to feign ignorance to our link to Israel. The Star of David discovered in our land was the reason why our history was hidden and our antiquities and artefacts carted away to British Museum.

We should be grateful to Elohim for opening our eyes and preserving our race against the wish of our enemies.

 If you think the Star of David should not be on our Biafra flag then respond to tell me your reasons.

Written by:
Obi Emma
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

Published by:
Chibuike John Nebeokike
For: The Biafra Restoration Voice - TBRV

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